The Wait is Over! ROKU is Here!

ROKU is Finally Here!

Download Our New Roku TV App Today!

Start Watching TSP On Your TV!

1. Go to the search bar in the ROKU side menu

2. Type: in Texas Sports Productions

3. Select to download the app

4. The app will now appear on the roku homepage

5. Click on the TSP icon to launch the app

5. Enjoy LIVE High School Sports at your fingertips!

Don’t have a ROKU STICK for your TV?
Purchase one on [ Amazon.Com ]

Start Watching TSP On Your TV!

1. Go to the search bar in the roku side menu

2. Type: in Texas Sports Productions

3. Select to download the app

4. The app will now appear on the roku homepage

5. Click on the TSP icon to launch the app

5. Enjoy LIVE High School Sports at your fingertips!

Don’t have a ROKU STICK for your TV?
Purchase one on [ Amazon.Com ]